SAGAMOK ANISHNAWBEK FIRST NATION — The Ontario government is making it faster and easier for young people to connect to mental health and substance use support by launching a new Youth Wellness Hub to serve Sagamok Anishnawbek First Nation and surrounding areas. This is one of the eight new hubs the government is adding to the 14 already created since 2020, bringing the total to 22 across the province.
“Expanding our network of Youth Wellness Hubs is another step our government is taking to ensure Ontarians of all ages have convenient access to the highest-quality mental health and addictions supports, when and where they need them,” said Michael Tibollo, Associate Minister of Mental Health and Addictions. “We are thrilled to be launching the first Youth Wellness Hub designed by and for an Indigenous community. Culturally appropriate care is a core tenet of the Roadmap to Wellness, and we will continue making investments to improve access to these services for Indigenous communities across Ontario.”