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Driving system-level changes across Ontario

We aim to increase health, well-being and recovery outcomes by driving meaningful impact and change to the addictions and mental health sector.

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Our Mission
To lead change that will revolutionize the addiction and mental health care experience for people in Ontario.
Our ​Vision
The best addiction and mental health system, anywhere.
There is Need

The need for a strong, high-performing mental health and addictions system has never been greater. Demand for mental health and addictions services is increasing dramatically, and at the same time, the way our health care system is funded and structured is changing profoundly. Not all Ontarians are getting the access they need to these services in a timely manner. In such an environment, it is vital to identify which changes in the environment offer the greatest potential risks and benefits to the services and providers.

That’s Where AMHO Does Its Part

AMHO mobilizes the MHA sector towards a better system for the clients who use it. We play a leading role in working with our members to mobilize their knowledge and innovations, build capacity and scale sector-leading best practices. AMHO supports peer to-peer learning to share innovations in care. We leverage our members’ extensive expertise to showcase leading evidence-informed models and work with our funders and other partners to drive broader adoption as well as sustained investment in building a world-class mental health and addictions system for all Ontarians.

Become a Member
Let's work together towards better, more client-focused, community-based addictions and mental health care. To find out more about an AMHO membership, email or click the button below.
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AMHO's Strategic Plan
Our plan is an extension of our members' needs and priorities, as well as their commitment and expertise in serving people with addiction and mental illness.
AMHO's Strategic Plan
Annual Reports
Our Annual Reports highlight our accomplishments each year, and our goals for the coming years.
Our Annual Reports
Our Board & Staff
Meet the incredible AMHO team that helps us identify, understand and transform the issues facing mental health and addiction service delivery in Ontario.
Our Board & Staff
Our Members
Our members provide services that help Ontarians with their recovery, including community-based counselling and case management, peer support and consumer run businesses, residential treatment, withdrawal management, supportive housing, harm reduction and hospital-based programs.
About our Members
Our Persons with Lived and Living Experience (PWLLE) Advisory Panel
The AMHO PWLLE Advisory Panel is made up of clients, family members, community members, and caregivers with a wide range of lived experiences and perspectives.
Our PWLLE Advisory Panel
Contact Us
Have a question? Need more information? Want to join us? We'd like to hear from you.
Get In Touch
“Without mental health, there can be no true physical health.” Dr. Brock Chisholm Canadian Psychiatrist First Director-General of the World Health Organization
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