Your Donation Drives Change
Addiction and mental health issues are critical health concerns in our province today. By mobilizing the sector, advocating for system transformation, and serving our members and our communities, AMHO aims to drive meaningful change that will improve the lives of Ontarians.
Your donation will help us achieve our goals of eliminating barriers to care for individuals experiencing addiction and mental health issues and strive towards an integrated system where everyone receives the care they need—when and where they need it. Help us get there.
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Help us lead the change that will revolutionize the addictions, substance use and mental health continuum of care for people in Ontario.Things Happen When You Donate
Your generous one-time donation or recurring support helps AMHO continue to bring a voice and solutions to mental health and addiction challenges and needs by:
Reducing stigma
Reducing stigma and discrimination through awareness and education program provide to our member organizations

evidence-based services
Leveraging opportunities to build and enhance client-centred and evidence-based services to meet clients where they are

social determinants
Emphasizing the important role of the social determinants of health in the quality of both physical and mental health

continuum of care
Focusing priorities on establishing accountabilities and quality initiatives across the continuum of healthcare in Ontario

simpler to use
Making mental health, addiction and substance use services easier to understand, simpler to use and faster to access

“Without mental health, there can be no true physical health.”
Dr. Brock Chisholm
Canadian Psychiatrist
First Director-General of the World Health Organization
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