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AMHO’s response to public consultation on the Human Rights-Based Approach to Housing in the National Housing Strategy

12th Jun 2018 AMHO News

June 12, 2018

Last Fall, Canada released a 10-year National Housing Strategy that will utilize a human rights-based approach. It recognizes every Canadian should have access to housing that is safe and affordable. In line with this approach, new legislation will be introduced requiring the federal government to maintain the National Housing Strategy, a new Federal Housing Advocate will be appointed, a new National Housing Council will be established, a new Community-Based Tenant Initiative will be launched and a national public engagement campaign will be carried out.

The federal government welcomed public consultation on this human-rights based approach to housing and AMHO responded.

AMHO presented four key messages:

  1. Definitions of adequate housing must include supportive housing.
  2. Goal of eliminating chronic homelessness by 50% is not enough.
  3. All levels of government should be required to comply with housing rights obligations.
  4. Community service providers, people experiencing homelessness and other precariously housed people must be included in decision making.

Read AMHO’s full response by clicking here.
Read the discussion paper on A Human Rights- Based Approach to Housing by clicking here.
Explore the National Housing Strategy by clicking here.


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